Emplas has signed the Armed Forces Covenant committing to support the Armed Forces, former servicemen and women, and their families.
The Government scheme has been developed to make sure current and ex-servicemen and women aren’t disadvantaged by the service that they offer to their country, building a link between civilian and military communities.
In addition to committing to the Armed Forces Covenant, Emplas has also signed up to the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) as a Bronze Award holder.
This includes a commitment to promote an armed-forces-friendly culture, including employing reservists, ex-service personnel, cadet instructors and the partners of current service personnel. What better way to show our support than by signing the Armed Forces Covenant.

Jodie Coles, HR Officer, said: “We have a number of people working within our team who have a forces background.
“They bring a unique set of skills and experience to what we do, making a very positive contribution to our company culture through the leadership that they show.
“Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant and the Defence Employer Scheme, is representative of our commitment to those team members and the wider UK military.”
Q&A: Micky Braines, Environmental, Health & Safety Manager, Emplas and former Royal Engineer.
When did you join the army?
After senior school I studied computers and electronics at Tresham College in Wellingborough, before signing up in 1996 when I was 20. I joined the Royal Engineers, based at Tidworth, Perham Down in Wiltshire.
My main interest at school was Physical Education, I really enjoyed running, cross-country especially sprinting, and that obviously served me well!
What did you do?
After signing up I continued to study through the Military School of Engineering, eventually qualifying as a Telecommunications Engineer and serving as a Combat Signaller. This included installing telecommunications equipment in tanks, as well as training soldiers on how to operate them.
How has being in the military made you a better employee?
The military has been a major inspiration in my life. I was a bit lost before I joined the army, I didn’t really know what I wanted in life, but the army gave me a clear focus of what I wanted to achieve. It changed my life, and without it I wouldn’t have what I have today.
When and how did you join the window and door industry?
When I left the army in 2000, I wasn’t sure at first what I wanted to do, but all the guys in my local football team worked for a competitor fabricator to Emplas and they managed to get me a job there – that was 21 years ago, and I’ve been in the industry ever since.
When I first started, I was doing regular work on the machines on the factory floor, but I progressed to team leader, then supervisor roles, before joining Emplas in 2016 as a quality control supervisor. At the time, it was a difficult period for me personally, so I ended up leaving Emplas, but re-joined just under three years ago and I haven’t looked back.
What is your current role at Emplas?
I’m the Environmental and Health & Safety Manager for Emplas after recently being promoted. It’s the first time anyone has had a dedicated sustainability role within Emplas and while we do a lot already to minimise waste, recycle and source sustainable energy, there’s more we can and will do.
On top of that I’m also responsible for making sure that everyone at Emplas is operating safely.
That involves reviewing accidents & incidents, completing risk assessments for areas on site and on the factory floor, creating safe working practices and then developing and implementing the correct training in order to achieve that.
I’m also developing my own skills and I’m currently training for a NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety.

For more about the Armed Forces Covenant follow: https://www.armedforcescovenant.gov.uk